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Now this is ripe for book pirates. This machine will let you scan your books without destroying them. However, it's still a tedious, tedious process. Via Gizmodo. ...

The following is a really great article for writers who feel that they have good talents but have not reached that next level in creativity. ...

This is another great tutorial from Script Frenzy. I recently posted the Intro to TV writing and I will post more from this great site. ...

As a Screenwriting Student, I can never get enough basic tips on how to do something. Even something as simple as TV writing, which is what I learned first can be so tedious and difficult. I found th ...

. "Screenwriting: An Eight Week Intensive" will begin with the basic elements of narrative, and then move to story structure, screenplay and teleplay formatting. Weinberg, a SAG actor, will elucid ...

by Screenwriter Douglas J. Eboch image from ...

From Dr. Seuss to J.K. Rowling.... Whether you're a struggling writer, or just studying to be one, you probably know that there's a lot of rejection in your future. But don't be dismayed, rejection ha ...

There are a lot of great rules to follow in this link about ways to improve your writing. It's broken down into 4 sections - General, Technical, Life, and The Method. Personally, I like the following ...

You know, everyone's got their own list of writing rules. I like these 10 rules for writing from Janet Fitch because they're pretty straightforward. Via Kottke. ...